Two weeks late but I needed to congratulate you on that 9-day carry-on packing job!! We recently took a 9-day trip to Colorado which included a few nights of camping. I fit two people's worth of camping gear in my (now) favorite duffle bag and I couldn't stop exclaiming about it lol. Finally - someone who gets me :)

(shameless plug for Baboon to the Moon for getting our stuff safely to and from)

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Ok so Baboon to the Moon is on my "luggage of interest list" (and yes there is one, kind of--Monos, Away, Beis, Patagonia , and Solgaard. 🤦‍♀️) My one sister had to check a bag on account of the fact that she had excess stuff to deliver to my niece...and as luck would have it, due to a tight connection in AMS, her bag did not make it to Nice on the same flight as our bodies. She was, however, able to get back to airport and collect it in time to change for dinner. Horror story averted. Thanks for reading the backlog, thanks for being here, and thanks for weighing in.

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I love talking about bags, to the point of exhaustion for most people around me LOL! I have an Away checking suitcase (though there is CEO drama that might now sway people away from them) if you want a review :) And I was really torn between BTTM and the Patagonia Black Hole Duffel (okay is it duffle or duffel wtf?). It essentially came to aesthetics at the end. You bet I'll be googling those others now.

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This why we're friends. 🤣🤣🤣🤦‍♀️

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